The Well Virginia Beach

dead sea float FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

Although body wash, shampoo and conditioner are provided, you may want to bring any other bathroom accessories that you need.

We suggest you not wear anything while floating it is important not to have any senses impacted while floating and the feeling of a tight or constraining bathing suit may distract you from true relaxation. Remember, the room is secure.

We recommend that you consume some form of small food items at least one hour prior to floating. Too large of a meal will not allow you to relax properly and if you're starving all you'll be able to think about is food! Avoid any caffeine products beforehand such as coffee, colas, etc. as those will not allow you to relax. Again, it's important not to allow anything to distract you. 

No, the Float Pod is heated to maintain the body's skin temperature at 94.1 degrees Fahrenheit, the perfect temperature for floating.

The room is private and lockable from the inside. The room is exclusively for your use during your float session.

There is not. The bathrooms are at the front of the facility.

They only stay on only if you want them on. There is a light outside the float pod and one within. 

Each room contains two towels, a private shower, body wash, conditioner, and shampoo. There is a float halo, ear plugs, contact lens cases and solution.

The salts are not dangerous to your eyes but can be quite uncomfortable if you get any water splashed into them. And it's easy to do. For that reason, we ask that you remove your contacts prior to floating. We have lens holder cases and solutions in the float room. We also have a cloth and fresh water spray bottle within each pod just in case you do get some in your eyes. Before entering the pod, make sure to dry your face off, push your hair back and keep your hands away from your eyes. This will reduce the chances of getting salt water in your eyes.

You do not have to close the lid if you are worried or feel that you are claustrophobic. If you leave the lid open you may feel cooler. The interior of the Float Pod is quite large. Many people are concerned that they will feel claustrophobic but find that once they are in the float pod and see how much space there is and how easy the door is to open and close, they are not worried at all.

Absolutely not. There is no locking mechanism on the float pod and you will have complete control over your environment for the length of your session. The pod lid pushes open easily. There is a light button located on the right side of the floatation pod. You can turn the light on and off at your discretion. We recommend that you turn it off as soon as you get settled in as this is part of the true power of floatation, the lack of sensory stimuli.

We're very excited you're coming to us for your first float experience! Floating is a very unique and different experience for each floater. You'll experience a sense of profound calmness, weightlessness, relaxation and the opportunity for deep concentration and increased creativity. 

This facility is founded on the principals of healthy mind, body, and soul. We exclusively reserve the right to evaluate and refuse service to any persons prior to floating at The Well for cleanliness and healthiness. If you have a medical condition that you're not sure is compatible with floating please check with your healthcare provider. Please be aware that any contamination of the float tank water; wether from hair dyes or colorations, body fluids, vomiting or other contaminants will result in a charge for salt replacement and cleaning. The reservicing fee is $1,200.

  • People under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not allowed.
  • Pregnant ladies in their first trimester
  • applied hair colorant in the last 4 weeks (1 month) or is not yet running clear in the shower.
  • Applied a keratin hair treatment in the last 3 months
  • persons with pacemakers or other heart related issues
  • persons experiencing epilepsy [not on controlling medication for the condition]
  • tattooed within the last 6 weeks
  • perforated ear drum severe skin conditions
  • infectious diseases
  • respiratory disorders
  • incontinence
  • Open wounds
  • applied spray or cream tan within the last 48 hours
  • hair extensions and wigs are not allowed in the pod

Each person floating at The Well is evaluated for mobility and hygiene. a customer must have sufficient upper body strength to lift themselves up from a supine/laying position, and be able to stand up from a kneeling position. Once inside the float room the staff have no way to monitor the floater for assistance or emergencies. The Well reserves the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

 If you are pregnant, you are certainly welcome to float as long as you no longer have morning sickness nor within the first trimester.

When you float, you can produce slower brain-wave patterns; known as theta waves, normally experienced just before falling asleep or during deep meditation. This can be accompanied by vivid imagery, very clear creative thoughts, sudden insights and inspirations. Your mind is free to explore thoughts without distraction, your brain pumps out dopamine and endorphins, the neurotransmitters of happiness. Because of these effects,  floating is used effectively in the treatment of depression and addictions, including smoking and alcohol. it is also used in schools and universities as tools for enhanced learning.

No. we do not allow any incense or other aroma products within the float room.

Yes. It is impossible not to float in the tank. We have over 900 pounds of Epsom salt inside the float pod which creates a bouyant solution much denser than water alone. Believe us, no matter what your weight or height, you will float on your back without effort. As you lay back, the water will reach the temples; leaving your eyes, nose and mouth fully exposed.

During normal life we are bombarded with sensory input and mental activity. When you have no gravity and the outside world constantly distracting you, your mind and body have a lot of extra resources that it can finally use. With floating your mind is completely free to wonder, no distractions in its way. As you continue to relax and allow the mind to let go, the deep relaxation and sense of clam that happens is not boring and is often timeless.

If you are under 18 years old, you are not allowed to float.

The thought of being in a dark space can be frightening to some. However, as with your eyes closed, total black does not create and enclosed, confined limited or restricted feeling; it actually seems vast or unlimited. Remember, you are in complete control of your surroundings, so, if need be, you can exit the pod at any time.

Many people safelty fall asleep in the pod as a result of being so relaxed. Even those who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, do so very easily in the tank. People may think it is unsafe due to the fear of rolling over, but if this were ever to happen the salinity of the water would irritate the eyes and nose immediately waking the floater.

Because of the high salt content, the water remains sanitized due to the salt killing any foreign contaminants. We also use hydrogen peroxide to clean the walls of the pod to ensure everything is sanitized and clean for your visit.

Dead Sea Float waiver
Please review waiver before booking

At The Well, we invite you to experience the extraordinary tranquility and rejuvenation that Dead Sea Float Therapy offers.